H&T and FareShare
The key cornerstone of our community strategy is partnering with FareShare - the UK’s biggest charity fighting hunger and food waste.
Our partnership aims to provide at least 275,000 meals each year through our company and employee contributions.
FareShare saves food from going to waste by redistributing it to 8,000 local charities and community groups across the UK, ensuring it finds its way to those affected by food insecurity.
Many of our locations support local food banks and therefore the partnership with FareShare is well-appreciated by our teams and customers.

How do we contribute?
H&T contributes £2 per month for every employee. In addition, we asked our colleagues if they wish to contribute £2 per month to FareShare through payroll giving and if they do, H&T matches their donation, over and above what they already give.
H&T also supports volunteering events and additional fundraising opportunities such as marathons, skydives and more.

H&T and FareShare’s Impact to date
As of July 2024
- We’ve now funded the equivalent of 1 MILLION meals
- Over 500 of our colleagues contribute every month.
Total contributions for 2021–2023
- £208,552 total funds raised
- 834,208 Meal equivalent

The Environmental Impact
Food waste has a huge environmental impact, accounting for up to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
For every tonne of food FareShare redistributes, they prevent the waste of 2 tonnes of embedded CO2e emissions, and 2.66 million litres of embedded water.
By providing the equivalent of 1 million meals H&T’s environmental impact means we have:
- Saved enough embedded CO2e to make 12 million cups of tea
- Saved enough water to run over 13.9 million bathtubs of water
Contribution statement from FareShare
Kirsty Ford, Head of Fundraising at FareShare said: “We are so grateful to H&T for their continued support for FareShare. These invaluable donations help us get good-to-eat food to the people who need it rather than going to waste. Every day, the food we redistribute to a network of over 8,000 charities in every region helps to strengthen communities. From homelessness shelters and afterschool clubs to refuges and older people’s lunch clubs, these groups are all working harder than ever to provide people with a hand up, not a handout. H&T’s generous support for FareShare - both through donations and time volunteered – is instrumental in helping people affected by the cost of living crisis. This support means charities can unite more people through food to form connections and access essential support services. Thank you for helping FareShare make the food go further.”