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Gold price is at record highs - we buy scrap, broken and unwanted gold!


  • Creating a sustainable business

    Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

    We strive to act with integrity and responsibility to do the right thing in protecting our planet, nurturing our people and governing our Company for the benefit of all stakeholders. We look to manage our business responsibly and focus on supporting our key stakeholders with our immediate focus being the prioritisation of material ESG activities.ESG is a regular feature in our internal communications with the CEO sponsoring the importance and relevance of ESG for H&T.In 2023 plans will be built under our five pillars of focus to ensure that we prioritise our activities and the most impactful actions we can take, to demonstrate our ambition to do the right thing for our planet, our people and the sustainability of our organisation.

  • Environmental

    We aim to responsibly manage the environmental impact of our business operations, reducing waste, increasing recycling, and working to reduce our carbon footprint and climate impact.

  • First Mile

    In 2022, H&T remain certified as having Zero Waste to Landfill. In 2022 we recycled 66% of our waste (2021: 67%) and this has been supported by working with our partner First Mile, completing waste audits and identifying further actions to improve our recycle rate. We held an employee  awareness campaign to share the results of our waste audits, share how First Mile manage our waste, and encourage them to increase our recycling percentage.


  • We recycle 99.3% (2020: 99%) of pre-owned jewellery brought to us through selling as pre-loved, upcycling, or melting into gold. This plays a key part of our ESG efforts and the circular economy, favouring activities that preserve value in the form of energy, labour, and materials by recycling to keep products, components, and materials circulating in the economy.


    H&T partners with a renewable energy supplier, Drax Power, which provides 100% of their energy through renewable means. Employee campaigns have been run during the year to increase awareness about the actions we can take to reduce energy usage.

    We have now installed LED lighting across our entire store estate. 

    LED lightbulbs use less energy and have a longer lifespan than normal bulbs, leading to fewer maintenance visits, which further reduces our carbon emissions.

  • Reducing our waste and carbon footprint:

    In 2022 we reduced the number of deliveries from our print supplier by asking stores to consolidate orders, subsequently reducing the CO2 produced by 3% compared to 2021. This meant fewer trips to each store over the year.We purchased 18,605kg of recycled paper and only 33kg of virgin paper, meaning we saved:589,777 litres of water, 121,490 Kilowatts of electricity, 3,163 kilograms of Co2,372 trees compared to it we were to use all non-recycled paper


    Nurturing our people and engaging with the communities we serve are important for our business, supporting our human capital and supporting our aim to address social issues with philanthropic contributions.We wish to be a force for good in society, by making a positive contribution to our local communities.

  • Fareshare

    The key cornerstone of our community strategy is partnering with FareShare - the UK’s biggest charity fighting hunger and food waste.

    Our partnership aims to provide at least 200,000 meals each year through us donating on behalf of every one of our colleagues. 

    Our impact in 2022

    • 75,929 total funds raised*
    • 303, 716 meal equivalent* 
    • 163 tonnes of CO2e saved* 

    And 555, 809 meals provided since the start of our partnership in 2021. 

    *Total correct as of January 2022

    Since the start of our partnership here are some of our key achievements. 

    • 624 - Highest number of colleagues contributing £2 a month
    • 24 Colleagues volunteered at a Tesco food collection
    • 8 Colleagues have run a marathon on behalf of Fareshare
    • £6,381 of profits raised and donated to Fareshare from our HOPE retail collection.
  • Health and Wellbeing

  • H&T majored in supporting the mental health and well-being of our employees through education and awareness campaigns in 2022.

    Additional attention was placed on financial well-being due to the cost-of-living crisis. Our Employee Assistance Programme is accessible to all employees and provides support with mental health and many other issues.

  • British Safety Council

    • In 2022, H&T undertook the British Safety Council 5-star Audit which reviews the occupational safety management system through an external and independent assessor. It was acknowledged that H&T had significantly improved since an earlier audit in  was awarded 4 stars.
  • Inclusion and Diversity

  • H&T are committed to creating an inclusive working environment that enables our employees to bring their true selves to work where difference is appreciated and valued, the organisational make-up is diverse and our actions equitable.

    In 2022 we launched a new mandatory diversity training module as well as a new ‘safe-space’ initiative. This led to an updated dress code, a Menopause Policy and an inclusive language guide. 

    The safe-space sessions and our work on Inclusion and Diversity led to us being named the National Pawnbrokers Association Employer of the Year.

  • Governance

  • Our governance structure to support ESG was updated in 2022 following a senior management training session to embed ESG into our organisation more deeply.

    Five areas of focus were identified during a materiality assessment (Climate, Circular Economy, Secure Data, Financial Well-being and a Safe & Engaging Workplace).

    An internal ESG Taskforce was established consisting of the workstream leaders of our five areas of focus internal and external communications team.