Supporting our customers
For independent and impartial advice on managing your money, visit The Money Advice Service or you can have a look at the useful contacts that we've put together.
For independent and impartial advice on managing your money, visit The Money Advice Service or you can have a look at the useful contacts that we've put together.
The FCA has created several resources to support anyone experiencing difficulties or changing financial circumstances due to Coronavirus (Covid-19). The support is for a range of topics such as mortgage payments, personal loans, credit cards, overdrafts, motor finance and other forms of credit, managing your financial situation and working out a budget.
The Money Advice Service offer free and impartial money advice. They offer advice and guides to help improve finances, tools and calculators to help keep track and plan and offer support over the phone and online. They have created a Money Navigator Tool to support those affected by Coronavirus, which will provide helpful support in less than 30 seconds.
StepChange offer a wide range of services and gives advice to people in varying levels of need; they will ask the individual what their debts are and help them devise an action plan to improve their situation. They also have many useful online tools such as budget controls, web chats and FAQ support guides.
Citizens Advice provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. Citizens Advice will help people in numerous situations, from unfair employment dismissal to immigration and asylum issues, housing and benefit and personal family issues (divorce, legal problems).
The national charity Money Advice Trust runs National Debtline and offers free, independent and confidential advice to people in debt, by phone and online.
Cruse Bereavement Care offers support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies. Cruse specialises in helping individuals deal with grief and the many
different forms that it can take.
Turn2us is a national charity which aims to end financial insecurity in the UK. Turn2us offers information and support on how to access welfare benefits, charitable grants, and other financial help. They also award their own grants.
Payplan is a company which provides a free debt management service to people in the UK. It is independent and is funded by the credit industry. They assess your financial position, suggest a repayment plan and approach the creditors with it.
The Samaritans are available every day and night of the year for anyone struggling to cope. They make sure people have somewhere to turn and support when they need it most. Their priority is to prevent suicide and listen to those struggling with stress and anxiety.