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Anti-Bribery and Corruption Statement

Harvey and Thompson Limited are dedicated to preventing and protecting itself and its customers from Bribery and Corruption and aims to conduct all business activities in a transparent and ethical manor.

Harvey and Thompson also endeavour to conduct business within the rules and requirements of the Bribery Act 2010.

The Company does not tolerate any form of bribery, by, or of, its employees, third parties, agents or consultants, or any person or companies acting for it or on its behalf. All third parties associated with Harvey and Thompson Limited are required to follow a supplier code of conduct which includes Countering Fraud and Corruption.

Harvey and Thompson ensure all employees are Compliant with Anti Bribery and Corruption knowledge training. It also applies a robust risk framework that incorporates, assessments, reviews, and monitoring to reduce any risk of potential non-compliance.

Any Harvey and Thompson employee that is found to be breaching Anti Bribery and Corruption Policies or Procedures will be subject to a full investigation and possibly disciplinary action.

If you have any suspicions relating to Bribery or Corruption, these concerns should be disclosed as soon as reasonably practicable by email to