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Mental Health, Covid-19
There is no denying this is a difficult and uncertain time. The government has asked us to stay in our homes, unless we have to go out for essentials such as food or medicine. Rules have gone out of the window or changed, and it can seem quite overwhelming. We’ve put together some resources and tips that our team have been testing to help you in this tricky time.

  • One thing to remember is the popular expression ‘this too shall pass’. Things will not be like this forever; at some point we will look back on this and remember how tough it was but that we got through it.
  • Be kind – to others but also yourself. This is a difficult time for everyone, emotions are likely to be running high, so try to cut yourself and others a little slack.
  • Try to focus on the positive things, this can be easier said than done, but starting a gratitude journal can really help. Focusing each morning on the positive things from the day before can lift spirits.
  • Staying hydrated is key to helping you stay healthy, so try to drink the recommended two litres of water a day. It may seem like a lot but it is doable!
  • Eat well, at times of stress many of us reach for the chocolate, crisps or even skip meals. Try to eat well, it’ll not only help you feel better as you’ll have more energy but it can help build a routine.
  • Routines are key and now is the time to create a new one! Each households routine will be different but creating one, especially for kids, where routine is really important can make a huge difference.
  • Get showered and dressed every day! Working in your PJs sounds like fun at the start but it’s not always good for you, and getting dressed can boost your productivity.
  • Limit the news – its really tempting to watch, listen to or read the breaking news all the time, but at times like this it can make the situation more overwhelming. Find a balance, so you know what’s happening but its not taking over your life. It’s also important to only reputable new sources, there’s a lot of misinformation out there, so choose wisely on your source!
  • Misinformation often means social media! Social media can be a fantastic way of keeping in touch but there can be misunderstood half-truths and fake news. It can be worth limiting what you read and your time on different platforms to help keep up the positivity.
  • Find new ways of staying in touch, there are so many options for video calls for free. WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, FaceTime, HouseParty app, Zoom, GoogleDuo, Google Hangouts. We’ve got lots of virtual things planned from work drinks planned, family meals, drinks with friends, games nights, lots of the things we normally do are no moving online, maintaining a social life is important for your mental health
  • Exercise releases endorphins and helps relieve stress, so make sure you plan this into your routine.
  • It is ok to take some time just for you! This goes back to being kind to yourself but even if it is just a couple of minutes it is good to get some me time.

Speaking of taking some time for you, here are some websites that help you take some time out and can help you let go of a worry or stress.

  • Pixel Thoughts
    This is a simple little site which helps you let go of a worry or thought that’s bothering you. Type your worry into the bubble and watch it shrink over 60 seconds, accompanied by some words of encouragement. It’s not for everyone, but it could be a big help.
  • A Soft Murmur
    Being stuck indoors a lot means that we tend to rely on our phones, tablets or the TV for entertainment and distraction. Why not allow your brain some downtime and listen to some calming sounds? This site provides some relaxing background noise, like rain, birds and waves. You can also choose more unconventional ambient sounds, like the hum of a coffee shop or white noise.
  • Weave Silk
  • Anxiety is an emotion which can build upon itself, and unless you’re able to distract your brain, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. Distract and soothe your mind by creating beautiful, unique artworks using coloured light – no artistic talent required.

There’s even more tips, ideas and help available on the Government’s latest update. You can keep up to date with the latest information about stores and services on our dedicated Covid-19 page. Please stay safe.

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By H&T Pawnbrokers